Posted by : Unknown Sunday, 12 October 2014

Thanksgiving is a holiday where, according to Wikipedia, Canada "celebrates the harvest and other blessings of the past year." It's a time to be grateful. But what should we be grateful for? We need to be grateful for the blessings that we receive on a daily basis. Below is a list of unsung heroes that we need to be thankful for:

- soldiers and police who sacrifice/sacrificed their lives for our safety

- construction workers that work their bodies off for the best of the community

- farmers who work endless hours to keep food on our tables

- teachers who give knowledge to the learning people

- bus drivers who take us to where we need to go

- media content producers to keep us entertained

- programming geniuses who produce and/or maintain social networking sites to keep communication alive

- friends who are there with you in every step of the way, and parents and family who look over and love us unconditionally

Of course, these aren’t all the people we should be thankful for. There are more on the list, and if I listed them all, then this blog post would not end. Personally, I’d like to thank you for reading this post, and being a part of the VANITY Blog family. Thank you for being an awesome person!

If you see someone who you think we should all be grateful for because of their actions, why not give them a simple "thanks buddy for being so cool" compliment? Because of these people listed above (and of course, there are many more), our lives are made easy.

I've got one question for you: who are you thankful for? Comment down below!

With gratitude (and then some),


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Vancouver Immigrant Youth (VANITY) Blog is an online space made for youth, by youth. Here, you will find stories and experiences written by youth immigrants who once felt how challenging it was to be a newcomer in Vancouver. If you are a newcomer in Vancouver (or anywhere in Canada), we hope to give you all the resources you need to feel comfortable in this country. We hope to give you tips and advices on how we adjusted to our lives here as youth immigrants. Through this site, we want to empower you to bring out your full potential.





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