Posted by : Unknown Tuesday, 25 November 2014


I walk on a street

Filled with skeleton trees

And a ground of leaves.


They sway.

They dance, you know.

Through the sound

And the strength of the wind that blow.

They change color

Green, yellow, red.

Sometimes I wonder

Why it gets colder.

This time of the year

The dark is longer.


I wonder.

Is it the world and its method

Of keeping things balanced as it should?

Or is it to keep things unbalanced?

Is it the same gravity

That makes the leaves fall to the ground

as the one that pulls you to me?


I wonder.

A poem by Jose


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Vancouver Immigrant Youth (VANITY) Blog is an online space made for youth, by youth. Here, you will find stories and experiences written by youth immigrants who once felt how challenging it was to be a newcomer in Vancouver. If you are a newcomer in Vancouver (or anywhere in Canada), we hope to give you all the resources you need to feel comfortable in this country. We hope to give you tips and advices on how we adjusted to our lives here as youth immigrants. Through this site, we want to empower you to bring out your full potential.





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