Posted by : Unknown Sunday, 7 December 2014

Photo Credits: Ryan Mcguire
In Canada, study shows that immigrant children outperform those local-born classmates. But is that always true? As a youth immigrant, I know that it is somewhat true. Not because they were born smart, but because their parents expect them to perform well.

At school, when Asian kids get an “A” in a math test, other classmates explain it as: “because they’re Asian.” I think it has nothing to do with races. Just because they are Asian, it doesn’t mean that they don’t work hard to get good grades. Getting good grades rely heavily on the hard work. They work hard so they deserve higher grades.

But you don’t have to be a “stereotype” to do well in school. Different people value education differently. They have different studying philosophies, each with its own advantage and disadvantage. Most people in Asia think that more homework means more practices, which leads to better grades. But students will be stressed from heavy work load. They don’t get any practical work. So it will be hard for them to get a job in the future. On the other hand, people in Western Countries prefer more extracurricular activities outside of school. So students can have time to explore their possible career options and just enjoy their free time. The disadvantage is that students in Western Country grew up in a friendly environment, so they are not as disciplined as the Asian Students. Some students don’t take studying seriously. In conclusion, it’s important to learn from each other.

Photo Credits: Ryan Mcguire
One disadvantage of being a stereotypical Asian kid is that you are pressured from parents and relatives. It’s really common to see parents comparing their children with the other parents. Even when you are young, they will ask you to plan your future. Parents expect their kids to be a doctor, an engineer, etc. I think it’s really unnecessary. Kids should have their freedom of perusing what they love. So when talking about stereotypical youth immigrants, you have to think about their stereotypical parents as well. 

People tend to think of stereotypical youth immigrants as well-disciplined and hard working. And I think that is a good thing. By having those good habits, we can succeed in school and have a bright future.

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Vancouver Immigrant Youth (VANITY) Blog is an online space made for youth, by youth. Here, you will find stories and experiences written by youth immigrants who once felt how challenging it was to be a newcomer in Vancouver. If you are a newcomer in Vancouver (or anywhere in Canada), we hope to give you all the resources you need to feel comfortable in this country. We hope to give you tips and advices on how we adjusted to our lives here as youth immigrants. Through this site, we want to empower you to bring out your full potential.





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